Looking At God

Looking at God is a series of landscape photographs made at a variety of locations around Ireland where signs with Bible verses have been nailed to trees or lamp posts. The signs have hand painted warnings about the judgment of God and how prepared the reader is for their seemingly imminent death. Their often bucolic locations seem directly at odds with the urgent direc- tives for onlookers to consider their mortality.

However if we look at these scenes through the words of the German philosopher Ludwig Feuerbach who said “ All gods, and hence all religions, are simply projections of human desires,” we begin to sense an alternative narrative. This narrative is one where these proclamations become frames to build a god inside. In these photographs the painted signs are taken as a launching pad to begin visualising the words and what such a place might look like.

Drawing inspiration from John Martin’s famous Last Judgment paintings and the the romantic spirit of optimism in the new Arcadia of the Hudson River Painters like Cole and Whittaker. Here we are looking at a landscape which is lit up like a stage ready for a lead actor who is for some reason absent.

All gods, and hence all religions, are simply projections of human desires.

Ludwig Feuerbach 1804 –1872

God is not a projection he is a projectile.

John Kabuto 1940 -